Life is Light Generated, Chemically Extended, Physically Expressed!

Fundamental Forces/Energy Of The Universe

The Physics of Wellness books are an effort to bring together the fractured alternative healthcare movement, to unify this diverse field of interests. In these books, you will find delineated the one principle upon which all must agree: that healthcare should be based on the one constant in nature, energy/the electron/the photon, which is a party to and responsible for every action and reaction in Nature at the chemical level!

Nature's Active Ingredient

There is only one active ingredient in Nature at the atomic level. Responsible for every chemical and physical action and reaction in all living organisms. Perhaps the single most significant revelation in healthcare since Einstein identified the photon!

Elevating Body Performance

We teach practitioners (and interested individuals) to import into the body this 'One Active Ingredient,' and to maximize the levels of this 'One Constant in Nature,' raising the body to its ultimate performance levels 24 hours of every day!

Future of Healthcare

IMMUNITY PRACTITIONERS – Understand and be able to articulate the science. Learn to collect this ingredient and you are in control of immunity, health, longevity! Practitioners become Edison’s 'Doctor of the Future,' giving no medicine, teaching the care of the human frame, diet, and the cause and prevention of disease.

Immunity for all

Since the revelation was announced that the levels of photons in the system dictate immune function, disease becomes a choice for all people.  Any person can choose the Immunity Lifestyle protocol and rest assured they have maximum protection from any disease!

We Are Experts In Immunity

We Don't Treat Disease

We Trust The Body To Do That

Featured Articles

Each of these articles gives a view of how a disease is directly linked to the levels of energy. Clear, simple examples of how levels of THE ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT dictate system performance.


In 1971 Jose M.R. Delgado, M.D., in his book, Physical Control of the Mind, proved the argument I am about to propose: that the brain acts differently with different levels of..


In modern culture (as opposed to that of primitive man), there are many popular circumstances / conveniences which deplete or cause depletion of the…


Our protocol could be grouped into a novel area of research called Thermal Medicine. Louis Pasteur, of pasteurized milk fame, was the original thermal medicine…


Inflammation is a causative factor in a wide range of diseases. A growing body of evidence suggests that local increases in the number of free electrons neutralize…


Consider this statement: electricity provides structure and function to living tissue, AND IS THE MISSING LINK IN ALZHEIMER’S DEMENTIA. Look at this image – You might say to me…


Fundamental to the existence of matter is the presence of energy. This is the first of many lessons that Einstein’s equation, E=mc², has to teach us. Atoms...

Our Books

Only three fundamental forces in the Universe.

Only 1 you can control, and knowing how to control & collect this one is the underlying secret to IMMUNITY. We will be your source for this.

Life-Extending and Pain-Relieving information.
We wrote the book – no one else has this info!

THE IMMUNITY LIFESTYLE by the Physics of Wellness Academy is simple and effective!

The DNA Built the Body

Optimize the supply of the 2 dimensions of all organic bodies and the DNA will rebuild the body, i.e. restore wellness!

Elements & Photons

Two Test Results

CONSIDER: all biologic systems in our Universe are driven by bio-energy. This energy comes from the Sun: is embedded in all the (good*) food you eat, in the (charged*) air you breathe, and from (direct*) Sunlight.

*Your test score comes with instructions for all the above!

Photosynthesis – We all know this science from high school biology. Life starts here – See the great electrical circuit that drives all life.

Immune System performance is our total focus!

We have perfected the art and science of optimizing immunity!
Blanket Immunity – better than a vaccine or disease!
Blanket Immunity – better than bioterrorism!
BECOME An immunity practitioner

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