The immune system, like all other systems in the body, is driven by electromagnetic energy (EE), one of only 3 fundamental forces* in our Universe. Bear in mind as you read, electromagnetic energy in all its forms is “light.” It originates with the Sun and the Center of the Earth.
*Gravity, nuclear energy, electromagnetic energy
Immune System function is directly linked to the level of energy/photons in the system, like all other systems in the body. If levels are low, supplies of energy are shared, starting first with the most vital functions. Most chronic disease is specifically a manifestation of this reality i.e., the sharing of short supplies of energy in the system causing various common evidence of all sorts (allergy, for example). For example: acne is caused by a deficiency of energy because the liver is not strong enough to properly reduce fat molecules, the heart is weak in its’ pumping force and, finally, the fat accumulates in the tiny capillaries of the face where the skin is thin and weak and unable to react to the blockage!
Modern life has complicated this issue: much of the food consumed does not yield ideal levels of energy to the system due to modern farming methods and modern processing practices. These modern phenomena reduce the energy/photons in food, in air, in sleep, in motion – leaving people vulnerable to any passing pathogen, not to mention functional inadequacies as described above!
Electromagnetic Energy is otherwise called energy, electrons, a magnetic field, calories, light, power, force, strength, color, sound: all these word concepts are accumulations of that radiant energy that comes predominantly from the Sun & the center of the Earth i.e., photons! *1
Photons are the fundamental force driving Nature. From the binding of organic molecules (chemical bonds), to the motion called heartbeat or immune response (electrical voltage) – photons are responsible! Yet, I challenge you to find anyone advocating for photons! It is not there! Everybody is talking about carbohydrates! What the hell! So off point!
There is a lot of talk about the immune system in medical/health circles these days. Especially there is discussion about how to stimulate or improve immune function/boost is the common term – the goal being prevention of disease. Since the immune system, like all other systems in the body, is driven by photons it seems logical that health & medicine would be focused on how to increase photons in the living system. But no, the focus is on symptoms, and has been for almost 10 decades!
The Health & Medical research in the 21st Century are too sophisticated to talk about photons or even photosynthesis. They talk about receptors and Thyroid glands and heartbeat and genes – and uncountable other symptoms all of which are caused by a deficiency of photons. This focus on symptoms would be an interesting phenomenon, if it weren’t so tragic! For example, focus on the levels of energy in living systems is scant in medical circles, unless you count artificially adding to it i.e., a pacemaker. As you will learn In our Heart Disease brochure, this conditions begins with the loss of an electrical charge from the surface of blood cells, the so called Zeta Potential. This electrical charge is a symptom of a deficiency of energy in the system! What else could it possibly be? This deficiency can be quickly and permanently overcome by a few simple instructions to the patient as to lifestyle, no need for harsh, expensive and dangerous drugs!
There is a movement towards the recognition of light as being a prime influence on life, and this is encouraging. However, there is no serious effort to base an entire “System of Care” on the (natural) supply of energy to the human system. Humans collect energy in only 4 ways: Food, Breathing, Direct Sunlight and motion waves. These are the focus of our every protocol.
Our focus on these 4 fundamentals (food, breathing, light, motion) has yielded protocols that increase energy by 40 to 60% in the average American. And, it is not difficult to live by these life-giving, pain-relieving principles.
Given these facts, there is now a meaningful definition for the practice of Immunology!
*1 Abstract Title:
Photon emission from perturbed and dying organisms: biomedical perspectives.
Abstract Source:
Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Apr;12(2):90-5. PMID: 15947467
Abstract Author(s):
Janusz Slawinski
Article Affiliation:
Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Poznan University of Technology, Poland. dslawins@au.poznan.pl