Defining our position scientifically speaking (as to energy):
All disease is caused by a deficiency of energy.
All energy in nature is a type of light.
Any living organism, when without optimum levels of light/energy, will fail prematurely, i.e., disease.
In man’s environment, light originates from only two sources: the sun and the magma of Earth. There are other sources of light, such as the stars, which are incidental in calculations involving life on Earth.
Whether photons/energy are found in crude oil, a tree as in fire, gas as in natural gas, air as in oxygen, food as in calories, sound as in thunder, color as in the rainbow, magnetism as in the magnetosphere of the Earth – these sources of energy are all light. Some are visible, some not, all are light originating with the sun or Earth.
Light is the source of life. The complexity witnessed in nature (metabolism, life) originates with and is extended by (time) light.
There is no other “active” ingredient in nature, providing that motive force widely defined as “living or life.” Active ingredient is defined as those packets of energy found surrounding the nucleus of atoms in bundles called electrons (an accumulation of photons).
It behooves all men to learn the lifestyle disciplines (this website) that yield immunity. Immunity is defined as optimized levels of light collected in the living system as measured by our body IQ test, i.e., Range “A.” See the book.