A Soft Bed Creates Back Issues – Click to Play
Imagine claiming to have corrected a back problem when the condition you see here is clearly present.
It happens every day. Chiropractors and Orthopedic Surgeons deal with back pain by the millions in America every year – and never deal with the problem you see in these images below!
In street language, TILTED PELVIS.
Read the attached booklet for more information.
Look at the X-rays.
You will see the person has had his hip replaced while his real problem was the back is out of balance.
For people who are willing to use our Back-Balancing System, this will never happen!
We will teach you to care for yourself so you never have to have back pain again.
And, if something happens and your back slips out of balance, you will know what to do to correct it! You are fixed for life, once you learn to Balance your back with our Back-Balancing System. Learn more at BackBalancing.com

Pain in every joint is possible

This condition requires in-person consultation and instruction. The instruction balances the back and the correction is good for your life, since you are taught to administer the protocol for yourself and your family.
Know this: Pelvic Obliquity is caused by faulty bedding. Sometimes your bed can be fixed. All details are addressed in the consultation.
See the Back Balance Testing device below and learn more at BackBalancing.com:

IT IS CALLED PELVIC OBLIQUITY OR, IN STREET LANGUAGE, TILTED PELVIS. Read this booklet for more information and read more at backbalancing.com.