There is an alternative healthcare movement in America, indeed, in the world at large. This movement represents a subtle awareness by millions of people that there is a better way to immunity and long life than what is offered by the Medical/Chemical/Surgical paradigm.** No one has been able to say what that “way” is, but collectively, instinctively these millions of people just know there must be one.
**We delineate here between preventive health care as opposed to crisis health care, wherein drug/surgical therapy may be appropriate. While modern medicine has its uses in the treatment of existing disease, or in a crisis moment, the fundamental impact of Energy Therapy in preventative healthcare is often overlooked. It represents an urgently needed new discipline that focuses on the maintenance of health, contrary to the focus of modern medicine, which is the care of a body in crisis.”
The charts below fail to describe the long-term effects of using harsh chemicals and surgery to attempt to correct disorders brought on by faulty lifestyle habits. The pain and suffering and shortened life-spans are incalculable by the greatest epidemiologist. What is visible is the greatest opportunity to relieve suffering ever before available to people who are driven by compassion.
Modern Medical Science needs modification. It needs adjustment from its modern, high-tech drift, back to its origins of “do no harm!” It needs to adjust its focus from chemistry to physics, from molecules to atoms, from calories to photons. From high-tech growth and profit to teaching lifestyle: that is the future, and you will find the necessary outlines in this manuscript.

Because a living body has an ideal energy capacity, (Energy Signature from Chapter One Constant), at this ideal capacity the organism achieves maximum possible efficiency i.e. homeostasis. At maximum possible efficiency the human organism is as close to harmony with Nature’s great constant (energy) as is physically possible for that particular arrangement of atoms (species). This is the definition of that popular concept Wellness!
From a lifestyle practitioners’ perspective, drugs and surgery represent the failure of our educational and healthcare system to teach fundamental laws of Nature. There is always, and increasingly so, a downside to the methods of the modern healthcare establishment. You may find some relief, but it is usually short-lived, and there is always loss involved, whether it is the side effects of some powerful chemical formula or the loss of mobility or functionality due to artificial limbs, joints, parts. The drift away from fundamentals of Nature toward more complex, more exotic, more expensive solutions does not always represent progress e.g., vaccines, chemo.
There must be a better way! People just sense it. They have not been able to satisfy this nagging sensibility, but it is a powerful conviction. I am going to list the identifiable, commercial, large-scale players/interests in this alternative movement so that you can get an idea of the scope.
Big Bang Theorists | Intelligent Design Movement |
Exercise and Fitness movement | Organic food movement |
Vitamin and mineral enthusiasts | Natural food movement |
Natural living movement | Antioxidant enthusiasts |
Natural food movement | Sunlight (vitamin D) movement |
Buy local food movement | Earthing (grounding) movement |
Farmers Market movement | Deep breathing (yoga) enthusiasts |
Health Food Stores | Energy enthusiasts |
Wellness and Natural Healing movement | Alternative healthcare practitioners |
Bodywork/massage practitioners | Acupuncture practitioners |
Energy practitioners | Chiropractors |
Homeopathic practitioners | Alternative health researchers and educators |
Alternative sleep practitioners | Alternative MDs & DOs & Nurses |
These all represent one movement, one group – we could call them “the alternatives” or how about “the naturals.” They lack definition, cohesion, a defining principle, a unifying platform – but they are all committed to what they would define as “a better way to Long Life through cooperation with Nature.”
The Physics of Wellness books are an effort to bring together this fractured movement, to unify this diverse field of interests. In these books, you will find delineated the one principle upon which all of the above can/will agree: that healthcare should be based on the one constant in nature, and that is energy/the photon. That is why I wrote these books – to bring together the people who intuitively believe that “there just must be a better way”!
Now there is a BETTER WAY! HEALTHCARE BASED ON THE ONE CONSTANT IN NATURE i.e., the only active ingredient in Nature!
“Physics is natural science concerning itself with the study of fundamental forces i.e., the study of energy.”
Webster’s Dictionary
“Physics is called the king of the sciences, the rock upon which all of science is based. Chemistry is applied physics, and biology is applied chemistry –
A Brief History of Science. John Gribbin
“The Physics of Energy is the Science of Life. If Matter is Energy, as Einstein instructs, Then Life is the Precise Ordering of Energy!”
“Only one constant in Nature. One ingredient always present, indeed, responsible for every action and reaction: light, the photon, energy.”
“Life is the precise ordering of energy/light!”
“Life is light generated, chemically extended, physically expressed!”
The Physics of Wellness – Jeffrey LaCour, PhD
Our Guiding Light
Fundamental to the existence of matter is the presence of energy. This is the first of many lessons that Einstein’s equation, E=mc2, has to teach us. Atoms cannot form without Electromagnetic Energy, which is one of the three fundamental forces* in our Universe. Without atoms, of course, molecules cannot form; without molecules, there can be no compounds, no complex matter. The leap from inert matter to living organisms is twice removed from the realm of possibility without energy. While matter is itself a form of energy, life is the precise ordering of that energy. In this context, it can be authoritatively stated:
All disease is caused by a deficiency of energy.
The realization of and implementation of this truth in health and wellness is one of the most profoundly important incidents in the history of science, particularly biology and its handmaiden healthcare!
*Most say there are four forces. The Strong Nuclear Force. The Weak Nuclear Force (this has been unified with Electro-Magnetism). Electro-Magnetism, Gravity.
Reducing our foundational principle to its lowest common denominator, we say this: if flesh does not “hold together,” we are sick indeed. Holding together is, after all, the most basic of physical characteristics. Most people assume this “holding together” is a function of proteins, cells, hormones, sugar levels, heartbeat, and nerve function. Fact is, underlying all those biological agents is the magnetism between atoms. Yes, the same magnetism that holds magnets together or sometimes, when there is sufficient static electricity, holding together papers, clothing, or other odd materials. This fundamental force is the stuff of life and is the subject of this book. In other contexts, this “stuff” is called Light, the photon, electrons, calories, color, sound, heat – there are many names!
All of medicine, whether it be called urology, oncology, cardiology, or osteopathy (there are many more), is devoted to this fundamental characteristic of living things (light, energy, magnetism) though they would not describe their interest in this way!
Holding-together comes first, but everything else living things do to survive also depends on this magnetic force. Fundamental to all of modern medicine is magnetism, and where magnetism is given its due, all the other mysteries involved (causes of disease, malfunction) in modern healthcare become superfluous. This entire manuscript is devoted to enlightening you as to what the Wellness Principle (above) means. More specifically, we will learn what Electromagnetism is and how it applies to living organisms. Indeed, how it is the “essence of life.” This, then, is what the Wellness Principle is all about – the essence of life or, better said, light, the one constant and only active ingredient (at the atomic level) in Nature.
The Wellness Principle is based on established principles of science i.e., Natural Law i.e., Principles of Nature i.e., the structure and patterns inherent in Nature. There is no need to test the concepts of atoms, electromagnetic energy, magnetism espoused in the Wellness Principle. They have been proven and are the foundational principles of all modern science. Our Academy understands it is conventional wisdom to ask “How many studies have been done?” Our Academy refutes the necessity and wisdom of this question about the principles in our Wellness Principle. When talking about a new drug, a chemical formula never before encountered on the face of the Earth, the question is pertinent. When discussing principles proven over 100 years ago, the question is not appropriate, much less pertinent. The principles, as discussed in the Wellness Principle, are always true; always, in every circumstance! Note below:
Previously I have noted in the Author’s Note: Diet is not about types of food, as you will learn in this book. It is not whether you eat protein, fats, or carbohydrates. There is another more fundamental question: to wit: Are the atoms in the food being consumed fully charged with energy i.e., are they antioxidants or free radicals? Will they take or yield energy to the body.
Below you will find the results of two searches from the NIH data base of studies.
I am, perhaps, over emphasizing these studies in an effort to help the reader understand “the principles espoused in the Wellness Principle (and this related book) are widely recognized as fundamental to the healthcare knowledge-base in modern Western science. The Wellness Principle merely describes the antioxidant on a functional level. That functionality is the basis of the work of the 5 million scientists represented by the studies noted here.
National Library of Medicine: Search Antioxidant – 700,127 studies
National Library of Medicine – Search Inflammation 890,580 studies
Of these 1.5 million studies and the roughly 5 million authors, 100% affirm the principles and practices in this book.
Moreover, there is no question of safety! You cannot hurt yourself following these principles because they are the foundational laws of Nature. Isn’t that the bottom line in healthcare – safety and efficacy? Therefore, we can set safety aside and move right to efficacy.
Nevertheless, billions of dollars will be spent testing the Antioxidant and Inflammation Theories. The establishment that is Modern Science will be decades anointing the (new) principles in this book as worthy of acceptance. Wise people will not wait. Wise people will self-test the principles (protocols for self-testing are provided in the book) and find out for themselves, and they will do it now, today. As a result, they will live better, longer!
With this book and related protocols, it is now possible for any person to walk/live in a state of COMPREHENSIVE IMMUNITY (measurable). The referenced state includes immunity to all forms of disease: degenerative & infectious, and includes pain.